National Dish Of Afghanistan

Kabuli Pulao

  • 17 Ingredients
  • 130 Minutes*
  • 600 Calories**
Kabuli Pulao - The national dish of Afghanistan

A Little History...

Delicious Ingredients...

Make it at Home...

Recipe Variations

Prepration Time*

Preparing and cooking Kabuli Pulao generally takes about 2 to 2.5 hours. The initial preparation, including slicing onions, mincing garlic, julienning carrots, and soaking the rice, typically requires about 30 minutes. Browning the meat and sautéing the onions and spices takes about 20 minutes, followed by simmering the meat in broth for approximately 1.5 hours until tender. Concurrently, the carrots and raisins are sautéed, which takes about 10 minutes. The rice is parboiled separately, taking around 15 minutes, including the time to bring the water to a boil. Finally, assembling and steaming the layered pulao requires an additional 20-30 minutes. This dish, while time-consuming, is integral to achieving the rich layering of flavors and textures that are characteristic of authentic Kabuli Pulao.


A single serving of Kabuli Pulao typically contains approximately 500-700 calories, though this can vary based on the specific recipe and portion sizes. The caloric density of the dish is largely attributed to the use of lamb or beef, which are high in protein and fat, and basmati rice, which contributes a significant amount of carbohydrates. Additional calories come from the cooking oil, nuts, and dried fruits like raisins and carrots used in the dish. While Kabuli Pulao is rich in energy and nutrients, the inclusion of meat, rice, and oil makes it a high-calorie dish, often enjoyed as a hearty and satisfying meal, especially on special occasions.

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